Sunday 22 December 2013

Mary and Joseph Travelling

The vicar at our local church bought a Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus statue set  from the internet and with it came a spare Mary and Joseph the owner wanted to pass on. What to do with an extra Holy Couple?

Well the idea arose that it would be good to send them around the parish to visit different households and spend the night with them, much as the real couple may have to have done on their travels to Bethlehem, except by car this time not donkey! They would start their journey on Dec 1st, finish it by arriving back at the church for the crib service on Dec 24th and then Jesus would appear on 25th.

And so it came to pass that each evening they would be transported to a new household that had volunteered to have them, the hosts would photograph them joining in with their family and upload the picture to an online Advent Calendar and pass them on the next day.

Here are a couple of pics of the day they came to us...

They enjoyed the new technology and helping out with household tasks, but all that travelling is tiring!

If you are interested in seeing all the pictures on the Advent calendar, click on the link and check it out

Meanwhile on the Who-vent Calendar here is today's offering  

If you are of a predictive turn of mind, you might be able to work out which monster we have only had 2 of, and guess that one of the remaining doors should contain that. My son turned the calendar sideways and peeked along the row to see what 24th was going to be, so no surprise there for us!

He also declared there should be a green Dalek instead of 2 reds (I suppose they never made a green one cos it looked too environmentally friendly to destroy entire planets and their populations) so in future Who-vent views you may see it change from red to green.

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