Tuesday 12 August 2014

Treasures from the Dr Who Exhibition

As I said a few pages back, we went to the Dr Who Exhibition in Cardiff, and I promised to show you some of the pictures I took. Not all of course or you'd be here all day getting bored witless.

You're not allowed to take pics or film in the first few rooms as you are part of the action with Matt Smith (on large screen not in person, sadly) talking to you and getting help from your group being taken through. Then you are released into the huge rooms full of artifacts, costumes, props and monsters. There you can take as many pictures as your little Whovian heart desires... only hurry if it's Matt you want. It closes at the end of this month and opens later in the year with a Capaldi Dr.

There are quite a few handprints of famous cast members and it's so hard to resist putting your hands into them (not allowed).

This is David Tennant's Tardis, there are also ones from the 70's and the 80's there too, what a blast from the past!

The famous door to whatever world lay beyond...

Dr costumes from William Hartnell...

through to David Tennant (Matt Smith's was there on a waxwork model of him, which was unintentionally one of the creepiest things in the exhibition!).

Here's the cradle the Time Lord was placed in when he was born...

and the benevolent face of Bo (which needed a bit of fixing, poor old thing!).

Bad guys and evil enemies will be posted another day!

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