Wednesday 23 October 2013

Rainbows and Weird Skies

It's been very rainy, thundery, lightning-y and hail stone-y this week. One minute blue sky, then next dark and forboding followed by sudden lashing rain. Today the sky was sunny and blue on one side of the house and raining on the other causing this...

It's funny how rainbows are always surprising and weird, no matter that you understand how they're made and have seen them many times before in your life.
They can tip up an entire classroom full of children. They can all be working diligently till one child bursts out "There's a rainbow!" and suddenly every other child in the room rushes to that side of the classroom to look out of the window at the magic. It's like rainbows are only supposed to belong in films and stories and suddenly they've appeared in real life!

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