Thursday 29 October 2015

Conker Craft part 2

Yesterday's blog was conker furniture. Today's is conker-y people and creatures in their home.

This one is a conker dog. I made holes in it with a bradawl (or the weird pointy thing you get in a set of small screwdrivers that doesn't screw 'cos its just pointy on the end). If you have little people who want to make these and you don't want them wielding pins, then this is the safer alternative: make the holes for them with the tool, cut cocktail sticks in half and they can safely push them into the holes. You may need to even up the legs so it doesn't fall over!

Acorn Bill is the traditional owner of the conker furniture and the little acorn cups work as a natty hat or as drinking cups for him.

Here he is in his half-shoebox house. I did this craft at the weekend with a bunch of kids (aged 5 to... I'm guessing...65?) so everyone had to have half a shoebox so that there was enough to go round. You could probably treat yourself to a whole one, or just place the furniture outside for the garden fairies to use.

These two alien creatures were made with wire rather than pins and the holes made to go right through so the wire could follow: one for each leg up through the centre and out as feelers on top, another straight across for the arms.

Faces were drawn on with gold pen... more of that tomorrow!

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