Wednesday 20 May 2015

A Hair-Raising Ride

How are you with heights?

I'm not too bad so when the opportunity came to ride on a chairlift over the cliffs on the Isle of Wight and down to the beach, I went for it.

It started off well at ground level (although at the top of the cliff but not near enough to see an edge of course) and brushed through the trees gradually until you suddenly realise you're out over open air with your legs swinging over nothing-ness.

The view was terrific.

And it was a great way to get down to the beach...

which is where the famous coloured sand is.
But if you don't want to stop, you just stay in your seat and go straight back up again!

Those who like a walk or dislike the thrill of the ride, can take the hill path down to the bottom.

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