Wednesday 21 August 2013

Dr Who, 50, Daleks and Cakes

Here are the finished cakes I promised you yesterday.

Some were chocolate and some lemon, iced, sprinkled with chocolate coated popping candy from ChinChin Labs in Camden (, and then swirled with blue icing in a Timey-Wimey style. The little champagne bottles were candles. doesn't all end Sir!
They were only on the plate so they could be lit safely for birthday-singing purposes. The full range was displayed thus!

On the beautiful Dalek cakestand (from Lakeland).

 It stands about 2 feet high and is made of a shiny strong card...

 Which means that when you finish putting cakes on it, it wipes completely clean for putting other things of it (or putting it away in pieces for use another day but I can't bring myself to do that yet).

Oh happy day!

If you want to see other Whovian posts I've done, check these out

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