Wednesday 26 July 2017

Harry Potter - The models

I confess... I LOVE cardboard models of buildings! I have yet to find the same enthusiasm from the rest of my family, but I still can't throw away an interesting box in case it makes something intriguing.

So here is my fascination made real in the Harry Potter Exhibition... Oh to be small enough to go inside them!

Part of Hogwarts:

The Whomping Willow 

Diagon Alley

The Three Broomsticks pub

The Burrow - home of the Weasleys.

Is this where Luna Lovegood lived?

The Owlery

Hogwarts from above: as you walk along the path it leads you up and along so that the you revisit each one from a different perspective,

eventually leading you out to the amazing culmination... so wonderful it made the lady in front of me burst into tears...

But you'll have to wait till next time for that (and that really will be the end of the Harry Potter tour, I promise).

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