Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Catch up Bujo pages

Can't t remember... did I show you these?

That's my month of February in pictures. 

And my petals recording what I crafted in March.

Tuesday, 22 May 2018

April Bujo pages

I think I forgot to show you these, so here are some other April Bujo pages before I move through the rest of May and into June!

In fact I think I might have a couple of  March and Feb pages left over.

Sunday, 20 May 2018

May Bujo design

I don't know why but, colour-wise, May just is lilac to me!

This is my calendar before I wrote anything on it

And similarly, my to-do lists, which are now full to overflowing with stuff remaining or done.

Life has taken over recently, I have not given my bullet journal the attention it deserves and, as a result, have lived the the kind of turmoil that comes from not keeping track of what is coming up next. I have forgotten several things so will now attempt to get back on track!

Friday, 18 May 2018

Drawings from the Big White Book: Russian Dolls

For these, I made a cardboard cut out in three different sizes, started with the front row and drew backwards from there, so they look like they are standing behind each other in a crowd.

Then came the fun part of just filling the patterns in.

And yes I know that they wouldn't all fit inside each other like traditional Russian dolls, but think of it more like a convention of dolls from various different sets having a get-together : )

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Drawings from the Big White Book: Reflections in the water

Here's another pen and ink drawing- sunset in the woodland.

I think it would do my head in to actually colour this!

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Monday, 7 May 2018

Drawings from the Big White Book: Phoenix

Back to the patterns but this time within a bird shape- possibly a phoenix but I'm open to other names - firebird?

I have worn all my black drawing pens to a dried out frazzle and set out today to find replacements. The only way to get one sort was in a variety pack of three, where I only use one thickness so that would have been a waste of money.

I bought a set in a supermarket that looked great and flowed like a dream but, although the illustration on the packet showed a black line coming out... they were in fact BLUE!!! Horror of horrors!

The search continues...

Sunday, 6 May 2018

Wisley Craft Fair 2018

Having joined the RHS at Wisley, we thought it best to go along to the first event that grabbed our attention- both for the Craft Fair and to see how the gardens had changed in the 4 weeks since we joined... Spring moves fast!

Here is a photo tour of some of the crafty highlights for us...

If you're in the area at the moment and fancy a day out... its still on till Monday!

Saturday, 5 May 2018

Drawings from the Big White Book:: Hedgehogs in Hats

The internet is surprisingly full of pictures of hedgehogs in hats, real or photo-shopped on, so I used them to fill a page of drawings of them.

Its like typing in 'bucket of sloths' - sometimes you just get a whole load of cute!

Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Drawings from the Big White Book: Strange Egg-shaped creatures

I REALLY enjoyed drawing these and rather wished I could actually make them in 3D in fabric or something

They are rather reminiscent of Weebles and a bit Babapapa.

I re-used the 3 different sized egg templates I had made from a cereal packet to draw the pattered eggs I posted near Easter (see below)

I wonder what other characters I could think of, I rather fancy having another go...