I rescued this old circuit board from something so long ago that I can'e even remember what from. I knew it would be useful some day.
Today I'll show you the apps I used on it before I began to play, and tomorrow I'll show you what I made from the component parts.
If you've been on my blog in the last few days. you'll have seen the effects of me getting my photographic mitts on the Tiny Planet app. Then husband compounded my joy (and probably your boredom if you're not a fan of funked up photos) by showing me I also had one called Circular.
It does a similar job to begin with - either making a planet or a wormhole depending on which way it bends the image - however you can then play with various settings afterwards and get different effects on top of that. This pic is Circular but the following ones are back to Tiny Planets, but look out for both in future.
Tomorrow... ROBOTS!
(Not working ones, just cute)